Open Access and Declarations

Professionals On Line

Declaration Open Access - Propietary

Member – Professionals On Line

Member ORCID

Professionals On Line

The graphics in the titles below describe the benefits of data access and interoperability, integration support, invitations to member-only events, and the opportunity to participate in ORCID governance that we offer with our membership access levels.


Professionals On Line

If you publish scholarly content that is available online and/or you represent organizations who publish, you can become a member to register content and deposit metadata with us. That’s a good starting point, but we’re also keen for members to involve themselves in our advisory and working groups who help to support and give input on our different services and initiatives.

Member Cámara de Comercio Lima

Professionals On Line

The Chamber provides a wide range of services to its associates such as tax, labor, administrative and public procurement advice; specialized services such as the issuance of certificates of origin, the National Registry of Protests and Delays, among others, and it has a Training Center and another for Foreign Trade.

Member Latindex

Professionals On Line

It is the product of the cooperation of a network of institutions that operate in a coordinated manner to gather and disseminate information about serial scientific publications produced in Latin America. The idea of creation of Latindex emerged in 1995 at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and became a regional cooperation network from 1997.

Propietary INDECOPI – Professionals On Line

Alpha Centauri Proprietary  – RESOLUCIÓN Nº 032251-2021/DSD-INDECOPI
Professionals On Line 

National Authority – Indecopi. Indecopi, in its role as National Consumer Protection Authority, is in charge of protecting and defending your rights as a consumer throughout Peru, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code (Law No. 29571).

World Health Journal Proprietary – RESOLUCIÓN Nº 000048-2023/DSD-INDECOPI
Professionals On Line 

National Authority – Indecopi. Indecopi, in its role as National Consumer Protection Authority, is in charge of protecting and defending your rights as a consumer throughout Peru, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code (Law No. 29571).

Editorial FEPOL Proprietary – RESOLUCIÓN N° 00142539-2022/DSD-INDECOPI
Professionals On Line
National Authority – Indecopi. Indecopi, in its role as National Consumer Protection Authority, is in charge of protecting and defending your rights as a consumer throughout Peru, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code (Law No. 29571).

Professionals On Line Proprietary – RESOLUCIÓN N°  00146403-2022/DSD-INDECOPI
Professionals On Line
National Authority – Indecopi. Indecopi, in its role as National Consumer Protection Authority, is in charge of protecting and defending your rights as a consumer throughout Peru, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code (Law No. 29571).

Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial Proprietary – RESOLUCIÓN N°  00146468-2022/DSD-INDECOPI
Professionals On Line
National Authority – Indecopi. Indecopi, in its role as National Consumer Protection Authority, is in charge of protecting and defending your rights as a consumer throughout Peru, in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code (Law No. 29571).

Declaration – Professionals On Line

Professionals On Line

Professionals On Line Publisher provides immediate open access to its full article archive content; in a context of the information society, digital reality and the knowledge era and DOES NOT CHARGE ANY TYPE OF CHARGE FOR REVISION, EDITING, PUBLICATION AND MAINTENANCE.

The authors of the investigations presented to Professionals On Line authorize their storage, publication, reproduction, distribution and public access by physical and digital means.

Likewise, in the event that it is alleged or verified that the manuscript is not original, unpublished, or is not their authorship, the authors are subject to the terms of the applicable laws for the case. Likewise, the authors agree to the provisions of the Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

To guarantee the maximum diffusion of the contents, Professionals On Line spreads the publication of all published titles on Facebook and Twitter.

Berlin Declaration

Mission statement at the Max Planck Society Berlin 11 Open Access Conference (November 20, 2013)
Ten years after the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in Sciences and Humanities.

The 2003 Berlin Declaration affirmed that the results of academic research and cultural heritage must be freely accessible and useable by scientists and the public. A fundamental premise of the declaration is that open access (OA) is a responsibility of organizations that conduct research and organizations that fund research, and that the publication and dissemination of research results are integral parts of the research process.

Open approvals from the academic community

An important innovation in peer review and recommendation to recognize the value of academic content light endorsements
Plaudit links researchers, identified by their ORCID , to the research they support, identified by their DOI.


Open information

Plaudit is based on an open infrastructure. We use permanent ORCID and DOI identifiers, and backups are entered into CrossRef Event Data and exported to the Internet Archive. We are open source, community driven and not for profit.

Our journal is governed by international SHERPA/RoMEO policies as follows:

Green Editorial SHERPA/RoMEO


Green Journal: They allow the self-archiving of both the Pre – Print (draft of a job) and the Post – Print (the corrected and peer-reviewed version) and even the final version (layout as it will be published in the journal).
